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Christ the Redeemer Anglican is exploring the possibility of developing a building on our property to provide affordable housing. At this stage, no decisions have been made, and we are committed to following a careful and deliberate process. Before moving forward, three key criteria must be met: (1) clear guidance from God, (2) thorough due diligence on all factors—financial, legal, institutional, logistical, and more, and (3) approval from the congregation through a formal vote. This project, if pursued, would be an opportunity to respond to the growing needs of our city in a tangible way. It also aligns with our mission of loving and serving our neighbors by addressing their needs and fostering a sense of community and ongoing support for residents.


We recognize that this initiative represents a significant commitment for our church and requires prayerful and thoughtful discernment. As we move through this process, we invite the congregation to join us in seeking God’s will and engaging in open dialogue. Together, we will carefully consider the best path forward for our church and community.




Lethbridge's Housing Crisis:

As Canadians, we have all had to adapt to the constantly rising cost of living. Factors like inflation and housing scarcity have put housing out of reach for some Canadians.

Lethbridge has been no exception. As per the city's official report:

  • In Lethbridge, an annual household income of $69,132 is required to adequately afford housing
    • However, 10,325 households earn less than $50,000 per year
  • Approximately 50% of Lethbridge can only afford row/townhouse or apartments
    • However, only 35% of Lethbridge homes are row/townhouse or apartments
    • These stats represent real people with real needs. Addressing the housing issue is one of the most impactful things the church can do for these particular individuals.


Timeline of Events:


  • Spring/Summer 2023 - Various church members were stirred by the Lord regarding the land.
  • Fall 2023 - A committee was formed to explore what actions, if any, should be taken regarding the land. Throughout this process, the committee agreed that an apartment building would be a beneficial and potentially viable option for our church.
  • January 2024 - A congregational prayer meeting regarding the potential building project yielded positive insights.
  • March 2024 - The parish council hired Ian Moxon to prepare preliminary drawings and designs to help us understand what we could build, resulting in a sketch for a potential 44-unit building compliant with current land bylaws.
  • Spring 2024
  • August 2024 - The investors were unable to provide a workable proposal.
  • November 2024 - SW presented a proposal at the AGM, spurring congregational discernment.


Next Steps:



If we decide to move forward:


  • Secure Finances (Pre-Construction Costs roughly $300,000)
  • Submit Application for Finances and with the City of Lethbridge
  • Begin Build


I would put that the committee agreed that the most valuable thing to do with the land would be an apartment building, or something akin to that. Basically a bridge between the two events.


Adding into this that it was unsolicited/out of the blue  is an important detail.