
Abide is an initiative of Via Church to care for the widows and orphans right here in our city. To love and walk with those who are widowed by death, separation, divorce or abandonment, to care for the fatherless and the sojourners in our land. Our heart is to serve the broken and hurting, the lonely and forgotten, the poor and the hungry.

We aim to serve the orphaned and widowed by entering into life with them and loving them out of the abundance of being loved by a good Father. If they are hungry we will feed them, if they are naked we will clothe them, if they are lonely we will visit them. We will speak life and hope where discouragement and despair rule.

Pop In

Tuesday mornings we host a play group for parents and tots from the community. Join us from 9:30 - 11am.

Soup Kitchen

As Christians we are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus reaching out to all people. Soup kitchen volunteers meet the second Monday of each month between 8:30 am & 1:00 pm to prepare a meal for the less fortunate. Volunteers can come anytime during these hours to help prepare, serve or clean up. This is a great opportunity to serve and build relationships. The Soup Kitchen is located at 8 Street & 2 Avenue North. Please see Charlie or Carol Nordquist if you have questions or are interested in participating.