
The BCP is a comprehensive book of liturgies for almost any service held at an Anglican church as well as daily prayer and Scripture readings for personal and corporate worship. 

Find it online: Book of Common Prayer 
Physical copies are available for purchase from Anglican House Publishers here.

As part of our vision for Spiritual Formation, we have developed a set of Prayer Guides to lead you to progressively establish a daily rhythm of prayer and scriptural meditation.

Whether you have no regular prayer life, find prayer a struggle, or want to grow in prayer, we invite you to use this guide as a resource for developing a life that is formed by Christ.

Lent, Easter, Ascension Prayer Guide

This catechism (a text used for instruction of Christian disciples) is designed as a resource manual for the renewal of Anglican catechetical practice. It presents the essential building blocks of classic catechetical instruction: the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments (the Decalogue). To these is added an initial section especially intended for those with no prior knowledge of the Gospel. Each section is presented in the question-and-answer form that became standard in the sixteenth-century because of its proven effectiveness. Each section is also set out with its practical implications, together with biblical references.

Find it online: To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism

Catechism classes for adults and children are scheduled throughout the year for those wishing to be baptised at Christ The Redeemer. For more information, please email Robert+.

We are taught in Holy Scripture that we are made a part of Christ's Body, the Church, spiritually through repentance and baptism, as St. Peter says in Acts 2:38. In that same passage, we can see that followers of Christ were devoted to a community of believers (Acts 2:42). For that reason, we encourage all people to participate in local church membership wherever they may attend. At CTR, we offer three membership classes covering Anglican Theology, The Anglican Way, and Our Local Anglican Expression throughout the year. 
If you are interested in participating in the membership process or have further questions regarding membership, please contact Fr. Robert.
Since the initiation of the Church at Pentecost, baptism has been seen as the primary means of initiation into Christ and His Church (Acts 2:38). Following the way of Jesus in His baptism (Mark 1:8), the outward and visible sign is water, in which candidates are baptized "in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matt 28:19). The inward and spiritual grace for the candidates is death to sin and new birth to righteousness, through union with Christ in his death and resurrection (Rom 6:1-11). 
All adults and older children who are candidates for baptism are to be instructed in the meaning of Baptism and the Christian faith through Catechism. If parents or guardians desire to have their infant baptized, then Godparents and parents are to be instructed in the meaning of Baptism, their duties to help the infant grow in the knowledge and love of God, and their responsibilities as members of the Church. Classes are scheduled throughout the year. 

If you are interested in baptism for yourself or your children or have questions, please contact Stephen+ or Robert+.


All adult believers must publically and personally profess the Faith, committing themselves to their baptismal covenant and to living their lives in service to God. Confirmation is the liturgical and sacramental expression of this confession and commitment. The person being confirmed receives the laying on of the Bishop's hands with prayer for daily increase in the Holy Spirit, strength for life in this world, and a release of the believer to minister in the grace of God in the Church and the world.

If you are interested in learning more about confirmation or want to be confirmed, please contact Robert+.

A weekly email written for and by members of CTR to help you confidently engage the Scriptures. The newsletter will include reflections on a passage from Scripture from the Morning Daily Office Readings, an artistic reflection from local painters, songwriters, and poets, a reflection on Feast and Holy Days, and a reflection on each new season of the Church Calendar.  

If you want to receive these emails, please subscribe below.         





Our safety plan follows ANiC’s customized Plan to Protect policy. Our policy stipulates that: every Children's Chapel or Youth Ministry volunteer receives initial and regularly updated safety training through Praesidium for effective abuse prevention; each volunteer must be a member of CTR, and all must have a yearly completed criminal record and vulnerable sectors check .

If you have any concerns, please contact the People's Warden here