Father Stephen is the Rector, giving oversight to the vision, mission, and operation of Via Lethbridge, as well as providing spiritual care, teaching and preaching for the church. He loves the people of this church and the deep relationships that are built over many years of following the Lord together. He holds an MAR (Biblical Studies) from Trinity School for Ministry (Ambridge, PA, and his (current) favourite things to study are the writings of St. Maximus the Confessor and the figural reading of the Scriptures. The Barbour family became part of Via Lethbridge in 2007, and Stephen+ joined the staff team in 2009. Stephen+ is married to Jessica (2004) and together they have three children: Lia (15), Judah (13), and Ambrose (8). He enjoys good conversations with close friends, playing catch with his kids, going for rides on his motorcycle, and hopes to start doing a lot more fly fishing.