We warmly invite you to join us just as you are! 

At Christ The Redeemer, we try our best to help everyone feel welcome and to understand the different parts of our services, believing that God wants us to encounter Him in every aspect. If you're new here, we want you to know what you can expect when you arrive. 

Our hospitality team will welcome you and say ‘Hi.’ If you have any questions or need assistance with anything from registering kids for Children's Chapel to being seated, they will be able to help you or can direct you to the welcome desk for further information. Feel free to grab a coffee or tea before service starts at the complimentary coffee bar. 

When service begins you can expect a locally adapted liturgical service that incorporates collective prayer, contemporary sung worship, biblical teaching, and the Eucharist (Communion). 

If you're new to liturgical services, don't worry! Simply put, 'liturgy' means the work of the people. We believe everyone gets to and should participate at Church and to help with this, the liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer 2019 is projected during the service for you to follow along. If you'd like to familiarize yourself with it prior to joining us, you can find it here: Book of Common Prayer 2019, Page 123

Each service begins with collective prayer and moves into sung worship. Worship through music is an important expression of our heart's response to God's grace. Our music at CTR is contemporary in style and Christ-centred in content. 

Following sung worship, children are dismissed for Children's Chapel. We are deeply committed to the spiritual formation of all ages at CTR and have amazing staff and volunteers who serve ages 0 - Grade 5 through age appropriate teaching, singing, and activities. You can find more information about Children's Chapel here. All children will return to their parents/guardians in time to participate in the Eucharist together.

Once the children are dismissed, we move into a time of biblical teaching. Our sermons are 20 - 30 minutes long and we endeavour to centre ourselves around the truth of who God is and how, through Jesus, we have been made to participate in Him. Our teaching takes shape around the church calendar. All our sermons are online here

We end each service with the celebration of the Eucharist, which we consider the high point of Christian worship. In it we spiritually participate in Christ's body and blood, remember Christ's sacrifice, and proclaim his death and resurrection until he comes again. If you have not yet been baptized, you are still welcome to come forward during the Eucharist to receive a blessing. You can indicate this by crossing your arms in front of your chest. 

If you would like to receive prayer for any specific needs, prayer ministry is available at the sides of the sanctuary during the Eucharist and following the conclusion of the service. Our teams are trained to prioritize your safety and confidentiality and would love to serve you in this way. 

Please don't feel the need to rush out after the service formally concludes! Our clergy and staff would love to extend a personal welcome and get to know you a little more and the community would welcome the opportunity to introduce themselves to you. We genuinely want you to know that we’re glad to worship with you. 

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us in person or by email. We look forward to welcoming you!