We are so excited to announce we are resuming in-person services this Sunday, June 14th.
We will be hosting 2 services: 9am & 11am.
In order to accommodate everyone with physical distancing measures in place, you need to register for which service time you will be attending.
You will need to sign up each week, and register every member of your family who will be attending.
DIRECT LINK TO SERVICE REGISTRATION: https://viachurchlethbridge.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/448246
Here are a few of things to note as you prepare to join us:
* Most importantly, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND IF YOU ARE UNWELL! We will still be live streaming, so please stay home and watch online.
* Physical distancing must be maintained between households. This means no handshakes, hugs, etc. We know that will feel weird, but please respect the guidelines.
* Wearing masks is encouraged, please bring your own.
* Singing has been discouraged by Alberta public health. If you know you won't be able to keep your praises quiet, please bring a mask and wear it.
* Please practice good hand and respiratory hygiene.
* There will be no nursery or kids church. Your children must remain with you at all times. They cannot wander unattended around the building.
* You will come into the church through the north or south foyer doors and exit through the Sanctuary fire escape doors. Please keep all your belongings with you in the Sanctuary.
* The chairs in the Sanctuary are arranged in socially distant groupings. Please find a pod of chairs that is appropriate for the size of your household and "sit where you fit." To enable us to seat the most people per service, please don't take a pod of 6 chairs if there are only 2 of you.
* We won't be gathering or mingling in the foyer area, which we know will feel different. We encourage you to connect with your community outside of the service time, or choose seats in the Sanctuary closer to people you'd like to visit with.
* Only use the bathrooms if absolutely necessary.
* We will be cleaning and sanitizing high touch areas between the services.
Doors will open at 8.40am for the 9am service, and 10.40am for the 11am service.
We are SO excited to see you on Sunday!