At the AGM earlier in November, Fr. Stephen shared our church’s next steps in finding a home within a diocese of the ACNA. As part of this process, the board has appointed a Diocesan Discernment Committee. If you missed the AGM, you can watch Fr. Stephen’s Rector’s Report HERE.
The Committee will work with clergy and board representatives to research, ask questions, meet with diocesan representatives, and submit their recommendations to the board by the end of February 2023. From there, the board and clergy of Via Lethbridge will prayerfully consider the recommendations and submit to the congregation which diocese they feel the Lord is leading us into.
This Committee, under the oversight of Fr. Stephen, consists of two staff members, two board members, and four congregation members. Members of this Committee have been selected and approved by the board and represent different demographics of the church, which is a diverse body of people. The committee members are:
Amy Braun (Staff)
Amos Martel (Staff)
Rachel Amantea (Board)
James Rea (Board)
Kelly Weiers (Laity)
Linda Harding (Laity)
Mary Ann Boorsma (Laity)
Mark Maxwell (Laity)
Please keep this group in your prayers over the coming weeks and months as they seek the Lord on this important next step for our church.