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Catechesis (ka-tə-ˈkē-səs) is the Church's God-assigned task of grounding believers in Christ and in the foundations of the Christian faith. 

“Catechesis is imparting truth to live by and a way to live by it.” J. I. Packer 

Our Catechism class for Adults and Youth age 14+ begins on February 16th.  Classes will be held on Sunday afternoons at 12.30 pm, and the course runs for 8 weeks.
You can expect classes to be one hour long. There will be 30 minutes of teaching followed by break-out discussions in two groups: Adults with Robert+ and youth with Jared. 
This is an opportunity for parents and teenagers to take the class together, but all youth and adults are welcome, whether you come with family members or not.
To sign up to take Catechism for Adults & Youth, please email Fr. Robert at